The law of Christ

"Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

When we go through major disappointments in life, our natural reaction is to pull back and isolate ourselves. We want to handle it ourselves. We want to keep our losses and failures and mistakes and crises a secret. When this happens all we want to do is withdraw.

Pain and hurt reminds us of the need for love and friendship. Much more than ever, we need friends the most when we go through a disappointment, crisis or loss. At that point, the monies, businesses, real estates and companies will not matter. I know a lot of times friends have betrayed our trust, but that not withstanding, we need to remember that at one point or another we need help. We need love and care money cannot buy. We need to accept help from others. No one can make it far without help. We all need help and guess what! God doesn’t intend for you to handle all the pain and stress in your life all by yourself. We are meant to be there for each other. We all have hands so we are able to stretch and reach out to those in need. We have eyes to see where the other brother is broken. We have ears to listen to the cries of that sister down the street. We were wired for each other. We need each other. We’re social beings. The first thing God said in the Garden of Eden after making man was "It is not good for man to be alone.” We are made to be in relationships.

There will be certain times in your life, when the pain becomes unbearable so much that you will question God and even doubt his presence. No doubt you know God is alive but the weight of the burden puts you at a point where you would have been expecting the blessing a month ago. At such times, the best thing that can happen to you is to have friends who will come alongside you, knowing it's ok and say, “we'll believe God for you right now.” Job 6:14 says, “When desperate people give up on God Almighty, their friends, at least, should stick with them” (MSG).

There will come a time when you’ll say, “I don’t have any faith right now. I’m full of doubt.” That’s when you need your friends to step in and say, “That’s okay. We will have faith for you. We will trust God for you in this.” Remember the paralytic who had good friends who had to send him to Jesus through the roof. We all need people who will be there for us, taking our problems like it were theirs. Are you the friend who stays when trouble comes or the one who goes when trouble stays?

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ". (Galatians 6:2). What is the law of Christ? It’s this: Love your neighbor as yourself. The Bible commands us to help each other. Every time you help somebody who’s going through pain, you are fulfilling the law of Christ.

Trying to handle your trouble yourself will only make you more tired and stressed out. You need to accept the help of others and let your friends carry you through it. And know that God is with you all the way. He is at work in your circumstances, even if you can’t see him working at this point.

Who in your life supports you through your loss and disappointment?
How do you do the same for them?
What are the things you find the most helpful when you’re in a difficult situation?
How can a small group provide the kind of support you need when you’re in trouble?
What can we learn about God through the support of our friends who follow Jesus, too?

PRAYER: Dear Lord help me to be a helper. Make me more like you. May my hands and my feet be an extension of who you are.