Focus (Part 3 – Imitators)

Some of them will come around as friends and colleagues, but with the intention of copying what you are doing and stealing what you have, all with the hope of getting the same results as you do. The bad ones, come with negative thoughts expressed in form of a rethorical question; is s/he the only one? With such questions the motive of putting you out of business, splitting your target group, or competing with you can never be ruled out, after all it is the same product but this time, with a different producer. They are not just in business to grow or maximize profit. They are in business to put you out of the market. 

I am not saying people shouldn’t copy or desire to be like the other people. I am saying why should people pretend to be friends only to get close with the intention of copying and learning how you did it even without your knowledge. If you pay attention to details, you will find those kind of people around you. When you do, don’t be distracted. Keep your calm. Keep your focus. Go to another next level; ZOOM IN on your focus. 

Don’t let their action birth distraction because it could lead to destruction. Stay focused. Imagine what happened to Peter when he took his focus off the master. You sure wouldn’t want the same thing happening to you. You sure don’t want to be sinking. Lack of focus could make that happen. 
They will copy you, but they will never be you. 

They will copy you, but they will never think like you. 

They will copy you, but they will never be able to copy your mind. 
So, let them copy you. Let them imitate you. They will never be able to imitate your ANOINTING, your FAVOUR and FOCUS. 

They think copying you makes them you. They think copying from you means having the same outcome. But we know, copying has never meant having the same outcome. 

Just stay focused. Stay prayerful. Stay determined and finally stay focused. 

Stay focused

People will hate you. Colleagues will dislike you. Friends and family will try to put you down. Yes they will, and a lot of times, it is not that you have done anything to them. It is just that they have tried and cannot defeat you. The second group, they will hate you just because they do not understand you. The third group will hate you just because you do not consult and confide in them. 
They cannot defeat you not because you cannot be defeated, or that they cannot do better, but because you have made up your mind to get better each day by putting a little effort into your area of focus. 

Don’t stop. Stay focused. Stay prayerful. Stay determined.