Ask for help

Scripture in Prov 3: 6, says “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”.

Do you know one way to acknowledge God is saying the grace before and after meals?  In doing this, you are affirming you have worked hard, but God still gives the ability to even work.

One other way to acknowledge God is to simply ask for His help, like on a journey you pray “Help this to be a productive trip lord, or help me fine what I am searching for”. That is acknowledging God and you are saying in “God, I need You right now. I want You in my life.”

Acknowledgement simply as it is an act of faith. An expression of confidence that God can help you make it.  It is a conviction that there is absolutely nothing you and God cannot together handle. Acknowledging God opens the door for Him to direct your steps, and to reposition you in the right path.  God will help you find what you seek for. He will put you at the right place at the right time.

You can go about life without calling on God for help. You can even go by the conclusion that your success is as a result of your perseverance, intelligence, hard work and effort you put in. But when you learn to seek his help even in things you think you can do, you will realize you didn’t know anything about what you thought you knew because God’s way always reveals how vulnerable we are and would be but not for his help.

When you acknowledge God, He pours His favour on you, which in other words welcomes you into a phase of ease so that what should have been a struggle for you becomes bloom and where you failed the last time, you pass. That is God crowning your efforts with success.

Today and every day, ask Him for help and let Him lead you and guide you in every area of your life.