It is imperative, the need to pay critical attention to circumstances pressing relentlessly against our well-being and that of the world at large. It may also be visibly impractical and or incoherent to further approach with complacent standards; these issues as the repercussions will continuously command lives to surrender and effortlessly mangle our nation beyond foreseeable repair.

As a church, we have been praying, but I think it is time we not just pray, but support research for the development of a vaccine, and stay united while intensifying our prayer. Believe it or not, we need to ask God to heal the world, protect those caring for the sick, and breakthrough in research for vaccines. While we do this, let us not lose sight of precautionary measures by World Health Organization.

For a very long time, many have made the church all about class, numerical strength, expensive structures, and irrational display of wealth and power. But where is all of that now?

Who would have thought that a day will come when the luxurious lifestyle won’t even matter anymore. Today life has placed us under house arrest. You should, by now, understand the words and thoughts of Jean-Jacques Rousseau “man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains.”

In the face of COVID -19, laced with an increased number of deaths and the struggle of not being infected, we need governments who will stand up to the challenge by protecting her citizens and providing what is needed and not what they think is helpful. We need governments who will use the resources generated from donors, reserve, and of course, taxpayers to lead in the search for a vaccine and setting up treatment centers and not governments who will look us in the face and lie about monies not expended. Let me ask. How many testing centers do we have to cater to over 206 million people? How well equipped are our hospital facilities? How many ventilators can each state boast? Do we have well-trained personnel at all levels of government? Where are we on staff salary and wages? How well secure is the public? Are our citizens appropriately enlightened about COVID-19?

Nigeria once had a chance, but some people saw it as an opportunity to do the normal, embezzle. We still do have a bet before the number rises out of control.

Let us thank some State Governments who are leading in the fight against COVID-19, and all those who have made some donations in cash and offer of relief materials and foodstuff.

May we put our hands together and appreciate the real heroes, those at the forefront of this battle, with particular mention; those medical, health, and safety practitioners who today are leading and helping us battle Covid-19. We still need your selfless service. We will not relent in our effort to offer prayers.

So, back to what we were saying, above all, we need God. I guess many must-have noticed Christianity for a long time for many has been a matter of showoff? It has been a lot about ”I am better than you.” ”We are better than them,” “my pastor can preach better than yours,” or “our church is bigger and finer than yours,” all those comparisons and unhealthy competitions pointing us in the wrong direction and making one thing apparent, lack of understanding of Scripture and the expression ”a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.”

Today it is not about your General Overseer, Pastor, Daddy, or even Rev. Fr. It is not about ministry, prophetic utterance, speaking in tongues, or deceiving us to be hearing directly from God. Today it is not about healing and casting out of demons, or how many branches worldwide or incorporated.

Simply put, it is all about God. Whether Catholic, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Anglican, Baptist, Apostolic, Evangelical, Winners, Redeemed, Christ Embassy, etc. It is all about God and nothing else, and we need him to get us out of this one.

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