
Like Moses who had a staff, so too has God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your destiny through His Word. (2 Tim 3:16-17). The Scripture tells us that as believers in Jesus Christ, we are anointed. The word “anointing” is the power of God which gives you courage, strength and ability. When you put the Word of God in you, you are receiving that anointing, you are building your faith, and you are being equipped for every good work.

The next time you start to wonder if you have what it takes, go to God’s Word and stir up your faith. Focus on His truth which says you are well able to do what He has called you to do. You can accomplish your goals. You have the ideas, the creativity, and talent to be successful. You can overcome every obstacle. You have been armed with strength for every battle; light for every darkness, beauty for ashes and a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. The forces that are with you are greater than the forces that are against you. Know today; you are well equipped.